Hi All,

I just wanted to quickly let you know that we publicly released PipelineDB
Enterprise <https://www.pipelinedb.com/enterprise>, the commercial edition
of the streaming-SQL database we built, which is based on the PostgreSQL
9.4 core, today.  PipelineDB Enterprise adds horizontal scaling, realtime
alerting, high availability, and some other features to the open-source
core in a "bolt on" capacity."  We'll be refactoring to PostgreSQL 9.5 this

We felt that offering a commercial edition of PipelineDB was the optimal
balance between supporting our open-source product and community and being
accountable to our investors in a self-sustaining way.  The proceeds from
the commercial edition will enable us to continue to develop the
open-source core for the long term and give back to the PostgreSQL
community, from whom we have received so much.

Please free to check out our TechCrunch article
and blog post
<https://www.pipelinedb.com/blog/announcing-pipelinedb-enterprise> if
you're interested.  We'd love to get a test version of the new product to
any of you who are interested.  Please email enterpr...@pipelinedb.com if
you'd like to try PipelineDB Enterprise.


Jeff Ferguson
President and Co-Founder


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