At 12:41 15/10/00 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>Making ALTER TABLE RENAME abort-safe requires changing the conventions
>for naming physical table files, and the details have been sufficiently
>controversial that it's not been done yet.  In the meantime our only
>choices are to forbid ALTER TABLE RENAME within transaction blocks, or
>allow it with the knowledge that people can shoot themselves in the foot
>with it.  The above warning notice is the current compromise.

Is it going to be in 7.1? If not, it might be worth disabling in TX blocks
since a mistyped SQL query can cause an aborted transaction, something that
is somewhat counter-intuitive. Maybe the message should be expanded to say:

    NOTICE:  Caution: beyond this point, a mis-spelled attribute name will
corrupt your database

Just an idea... ;-)

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