> > There are two bits going on in this example:
> > 1) To get the current value from a sequence, I have to use
> >    CURRVAL(seq_name) in the actual rule.  Not that big of a deal, but
> >    kind of a PITA that I can't just use NEW.s.
> > 2) When the rule does the insert into the t_log table, NEW.c1 doesn't
> >    contain the default value of 42.  How can I do this?  I don't want
> >    to force the application to specify the default values for
> >    everything.
> This is a known bug in 7.2: default values that should be inserted
> into unspecified columns of an INSERT aren't inserted till after the
> rule rewriter, thus the rule text doesn't see 'em.  This is fixed in
> CVS for 7.3, but I don't believe we have made a back-patch for 7.2
> branch.  I believe this bug accounts for both your gripes.

Hrm, I think I'm just going to start developing against CVS then
because it also has the added perk of schemas which are perfect for
hiding log tables.  ;~)

That said, if things are working correctly in CVS, would you still
recommend a trigger over a rule?  I'd think that a macro/rule would be
faster than a trigger, but I don't have any real basis for my
statement.  In my examples I'm using CURRVAL() and not NEXTVAL() so I
wouldn't worry about that being a problem.


Sean Chittenden

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