
  when i give the postmaster -D option it gives the
error below. although i can start post master through
pg_ctl command. but when i connect it through jdbc it
gives whether your postmaster is running with -i
option. i can't give -i option in pg_ctl.  

$ /usr/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/saurabh -i -p 666
DEBUG:  database system was shut down at 2002-11-01
19:48:27 IST
DEBUG:  checkpoint record is at 0/11FA38
DEBUG:  redo record is at 0/11FA38; undo record is at
0/0; shutdown TRUE
DEBUG:  next transaction id: 95; next oid: 16557
DEBUG:  database system is ready

please help me. thanx a lot.........



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