On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 21:24:50 +0800,
  Chris M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also find something magic when using sequence.
>     select nextval('seq_test');
> and
>     select nextval('"seq_test"');
> both refer to the same sequence: seq_test.
> If I want to use a sequence with name: SEQ_TEST,
> I have to write it as:
>     select nextval('"SEQ_TEST"');
> So single quotes '...' here not like those in WHERE clause.

That depends on your point of view. As far as what gets passed to the nextval
function 's work just like they do in the where clause. However the value
gets treated like the strings used to represent identifiers in SQL where
"s are used to quote identifier names.

> And I think ORACLE's syntax is better.

At some point someone will probably implement the Oracle syntax.

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