> You've definitely got an index-bloat problem on stats_min (the indexes
> are four times the size of the table :-(), and I suspect the same on
> stats_hr, though not quite as bad.  What are the datatypes of the
> index columns?

stats_min_pkey primary key btree (ip, "start")
stats_min_start btree ("start")
stats_hr_pkey primary key btree (ip, "start")
stats_hr_start btree ("start")

ip is of type "inet" in all tables.
start is of type "timestamp without time zone" in all tables.

> > Hmm, you seem to suggest that we might expect a change in this regard
> > as 7.4 ships.  Is that right?
> 7.4 should improve matters.

Trouble is, I probably can't give it a try on the production machine
unless I'm sure it won't trash the data, and I don't know of a way to
reproduce the workload on a test setup. :(


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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