The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      1245
Logged by:          Windows Admin Bug

Email address:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PostgreSQL version: 8.0 Beta

Operating system:   Windows 2000

Description:        Postgres won't start


PostgreSQL won't start because I'm logged on as a user with administrative 
rights. This is good practice in Linux / Unix circles, but is unacceptable 
on Windows. Most windows users use accounts that have Administrative 
priveledges on their machines. The reason for that is so that we can 
actually install things, and also because prior to Windows XP, you could not 
log on with another user before logging off. I understand the security 
reasons for implementing this, but it doesn't make sense to implement extra 
(and in my opinion, useless) security on an operating system that is 
inherantly insecure. The windows user model does not work at all like the 
Linux / Unix user model. Neither do permissions and rights. A study of 
Windows culture would have shown that windows culture differs greatly from 
Unix culture and that almost everyone uses a user with administrative rights 
to log on. 

I am not asking that you remove this feature, as it highlights security and 
might make the user think twice before running things as and Admin user, but 
I really would like to see a command line argument that power users could 
use to get Postgresql to run even when I'm logged on as a user in the 
Administrative group. 

I am a developer and would have liked to use PostgreSql as a database. If I 
can't get it to run from the command line on my machine, it goes straight 
into the recycle bin, no matter how good it is. Sorry :) 

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