
I've been testing PostgreSQL v8.0 on my Win2000 machine and it seems pretty stout. However, I have come across some issues that concern me:

1. All earlier versions of PostgreSQL are able to be editted via an ssh Shell or some other Unix-based platform. But when I try to edit any of my data, the only way to edit it is through pgAdmin. I know this may be because I'm running PostgreSQL on my personal machine with no Unix platform, but is there some way, or is a version of a Unix platform included on this latest version? (this is just for all of us who still prefer doing a CREATE TABLE to a point, click, and copy through a wizard.)

2. Is there a way to replicate databases across different servers? One of the positive things that I found with SQL Server 2000 (forgive me) is that it has a pretty good interface, both GUI and backend, for allowing replication. I know that a few different groups are already working on this, but I would like to find out if this functionality is included on this new version of PostgreSQL.

3. Is there a way to cluster servers? Again, taking a page from SQL Server, clustering allows some good functions which help in maintaining that server access is almost completely constant. From keeping up with GBorg, I know that this, too, has been considered by other groups. I'm just not sure if this has been created for this new version.

Just a few concerns from an IT guy.


Chari Clark
Database Administrator
National Background Data, LLC

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