On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 04:05 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> Russell Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > pg_dump does not fold case, and quote table and schema names correctly.
> This is not a bug; it is a behavior we deliberately adopted years ago,
> after unsuccessful experiments with behavior like what you propose.
> The rule is that names appearing on a shell command line are taken
> literally, without dequoting or case folding.  Yes, this is inconsistent
> with the behavior if the same string were entered within an SQL context,
> but then again the command line isn't an SQL context.
> The main reason for this position is that the shell imposes its own
> quoting rules that we can't avoid, and these rules are not very
> compatible with the SQL identifier quoting rules.  Do you *really*
> want to have to type '"Test"' when you could just write Test ?
> Even more to the point, the only argument in favor of adding code to do
> it like this is to try to make the shell command line context just like
> the SQL context, but *you can't make it so*.  If you could make "Test"
> on the command line work just like "Test" in SQL it'd be great ... but
> you can't because the shell will strip the double quotes before you ever
> see them.
> We went around a few times on this, but eventually decided it was
> unhelpful to try to emulate the SQL quoting behavior.
Thanks Tom, I found this out after talking to the pg_dump developers.
I had discussed with Neil if this should be implement and proposed I 
have a go at it.  I have since seen otherwise and identified the bug
in phppgadmin causing the problem.

Thanks for the detailed answer.

> BTW, this behavior is consistent across all our command-line tools;
> if we did want to change it it'd affect much more than just pg_dump.
>    regards, tom lane
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