PostgreSQL RC4 Command prompt functions on Windows (Windows 2000
Professional - Spanish with SP4) still displays a message in the format:
could not find a "functionname" to execute when executing a psql, pg_dump,
createdb, createuser and some other functions. They work and do the required
job, but display that message first. Psql even displays it twice.

Another bug is in the ODBC driver included, which has been since the first
beta releases of PostgreSQL 8 and it's that it doesn't handle correctly
Spanish/European characters. The database stores them perfectly, but the
ODBC driver doesn't read them, displaying a "?" mark where an accented
or a letter ñ should be, and truncating such word in that place.

When updating, creating or deleting a recordset (through the ODBC driver),
the following error is displayed:
Insufficient base table information for updating or refreshing.
# -2147467259

Elvis E. Henríquez A.

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