Bruce Momjian wrote:
This is going to be a backward compatibility problem

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

In a previous thread, I think Bruce and Tom both commented on
ripping out some of the weird undocumented interval behavior:

There be a lot of dragons in the PostgreSQL interval syntax.

Some examples from that old thread:
  Why is
     '0.001 years'::interval
  less than
     '0.001 months'::interval
  While does PostgreSQL think the interval
  means "1 year and one minute, which is confusing
  because the very similar ISO 8601 time interval
  means "1 year and one month" to the ISO-8601 spec?

At some point I think breaking backward computability for
some of the weird undocumented behavior of PostgreSQL's
interval syntax would be a good thing.  Or perhaps a GUC
variable for IntervalStyle kinda like how DateStyle lets
you pick ISO or SQL or Postgres styles - but that's ugly
in different ways....


Personally I avoid these problems by still using this hack (a
rejected patch
) that allows ISO 8601 "Time Intervals With Time Unit Designators"
in either ISO-8601's "basic format" or "extended format".  If anyone's
wants the patch for ISO-8601 (
intervals, let me know and I can send a version ported to 8.X.

In my mind ISO-8601 intervals actually make sense while the PostgreSQL
intervals and the ISO-SQL intervals are confusing as heck.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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