Why would you run pg_autovacuum from cron?

Karl Denninger wrote:

Hi folks.

There's a problem in the console detach code for pg_autovacuum.

"setsid()" is NOT sufficient.  Specifically, you must disassociate the
control terminal (standard in, out and error) for it to be complete.

This causes any attempt to execute pg_autovacuum from the cron to hang the
cron processor, stalling it.

Find below a diff that fixes the problem and allows proper disassociation:

*** pg_autovacuum.c.old Fri Apr 1 21:13:22 2005
--- pg_autovacuum.c Fri Apr 1 20:55:41 2005
*** 196,201 ****
--- 196,202 ----
pid_t pid;
+ int i;
pid = fork();
if (pid == (pid_t) -1)
*** 219,224 ****
--- 220,230 ----
+ i = open(NULL_DEV, O_RDWR);
+ dup2(i, 0);
+ dup2(i, 1);
+ dup2(i, 2);
+ close(i);


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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