On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 09:53:26AM +0100, THIBAULT Jean-Jacques wrote:
> this query work :
> select null UNION 1;

Please show the *exact* query.  The above produces a syntax error:

test=> select null UNION 1;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "1" at character 19
LINE 1: select null UNION 1;

I suspect this is the actual query:

test=> select null UNION select 1;
(2 rows)

> this query doesn't work :
> select null UNION null UNION 1;
> ERROR:  UNION types text and integer cannot be matched

Again, the query as written causes a syntax error.  This is probably
the actual query:

test=> select null UNION select null UNION select 1;
ERROR:  UNION types text and integer cannot be matched

To understand what's happening, see "UNION, CASE, and ARRAY Type
Resolution" in the "Type Conversion" chapter of the documentation:


Michael Fuhr

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