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On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 11:16:40AM -0700, John Shin wrote:
> Tried many diffent ways but nothing seems to stick for createlang.
> .pgpass works for all others (createdb, dropdb, createuser, dropuser,
> etc.)


> -bash-3.00$ createdb test -h localhost -U postgres

Hmmm...this command fails with "too many command-line arguments"
on both FreeBSD and Solaris (8.0.4 built from source on both), so
I wonder if your build is using a getopt_long() that behaves
differently than what I'm using.  Might not matter, though.

> -bash-3.00$ createlang -h localhost -U postgres plpgsql test
> Password: 

Have you done a process trace (strace, ktrace, truss, etc.) to see
if createlang is even looking for .pgpass?  Does it work if you
set the PGUSER environment variable instead of using the -U option?

You mentioned FC4, so maybe Tom Lane or somebody more familiar
with that platform has some ideas about what's happening.

Michael Fuhr

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