On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:02:26AM +0100, Eduard Wulff wrote:
> createlang.exe -U postgres -e plperl template1
> gives:
> createlang: Installation der Sprache fehlgeschlagen: ERROR:  could not load
> library "D:/dapps/PostgreSQL/8.1-beta2/lib/plperl.dll": Das angegebene Modul
> wurde nicht gefunden.
> same for tcl
> for python:
> createlang: Installation der Sprache fehlgeschlagen: ERROR:  unsupported
> language "plpython"
> TIP:  The supported languages are listed in the pg_pltemplate system
> catalog.
> plpython is listed there ...

I don't know about the plperl or pltcl problems, but are you sure
"plpython" is in pg_pltemplate?  "plpythonu" should be there but
not "plpython", at least not in a distribution built from the
unmodified source code.

Michael Fuhr

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