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On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 10:54:51AM -0400, Telin Lin wrote:
> I have just got a 17M coredump.  Do you have a preferred way for me to 
> sent that to you?  I can always place it on a ftp site for you 
> download.  Thank you.

Please post the stack trace from the core dump.  Something like
this should work if you have gdb installed:

gdb /path/to/postgres /path/to/coredump

"/path/to/postgres" means the path to the executable file named
"postgres".  If you're not sure where that is then look in your
PostgreSQL startup script or use locate, find, etc.

gdb will print some startup info, then it'll present a "(gdb) "
prompt.  Type "bt" and hit Enter/Return ("bt" means backtrace)
(hopefully postgres was compiled with debugging symbols).  Copy the
output into an email message and post it here.  Use "q" to exit
gdb.  If Tom Lane gives differing or additional instructions then
listen to him, because he's one of the core developers.

Michael Fuhr

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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