On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 03:38:17PM +0000, Gilles wrote:
> When I configure in the file postgresql.conf:
> log_statement=mod
> I don't have the update, delete, insert queries logged like it says in the
> documentation :
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/runtime-config-logging.html
> Could you tell me, what I need to do to get these queries logged?

Works here.  Did you restart or reload the server after making the
change?  Are you sure you changed the right postgresql.conf (this can
be a problem if you have multiple versions of PostgreSQL installed)?
What does "SHOW log_statement" show?  Are you sure you're looking in
the right log file?  Do you see other log entries?

Michael Fuhr

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