On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:

Bug reference:      2220
Description:        PostgreSQL-JDBC 8.1-404 fails to compile with ecj

PostgreSQL-JDBC 8.1-404 fails to compile (ecj bytecode compiler w/ gij 4.1

This is because the driver dynamically decides what version of the driver to build (JDBC2, JDBC3, or JDBC3 w/ generics) at runtime based on the current JVM. You are running ant with a 1.5 JVM, but ecj's default -source argument is 1.4, so it's trying to build 1.5 code, but interpreting it as 1.4 code which cleary fails. Adding "source=1.5" in the <javac> tag in build.xml fixes this, but that's not a general solution because it clearly won't be able to build other versions. Do you have a better solution for runtime determination or specification of the version we should try to build.

Kris Jurka

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