On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 10:04:03AM +0000, Alex Fomin wrote:
> While using the following function:
> ---
> nextval(sequence_name)  returns currval(sequence_name) -1
> ---
> while +1 is expected. It happens only sometimes, no dependency can be found.

Could you provide a complete test case?  That is, all SQL statements
that somebody could execute in an empty database to reproduce the
problem.  It doesn't have to be 100% reproducible as long as it
does exhibit the behavior every once in a while (an indication of
how often or under what circumstances, if known, would be helpful).

Is it possible that another session is altering the sequence to
start with a lower value?  Have you perchance set the sequence's
CACHE setting to a value other than 1 (one)?  What's the output of
"SELECT * FROM sequence_name"?  Are you making queries from more
than one session?  Are you using connection pooling?

Michael Fuhr

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