The index data isn't sensitive, but I should ask for permission
nonetheless.  I'll send over the '-f' output tomorrow morning.


* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility - Version 8.1.1
* File: 180571
* Options used: -i -R 271 
* Dump created on: Tue Apr 11 18:22:24 2006

Block  271 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x0021e000         Offsets: Lower     468 (0x01d4)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    3            Upper    1952 (0x07a0)
 LSN:  logid    246 recoff 0x265d47c0      Special  8176 (0x1ff0)
 Items:  112                   Free Space: 1484
 Length (including item array): 472

<Data> ------ 

... snip ...

 Item  80 -- Length:   56  Offset: 3352 (0x0d18)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 581  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  81 -- Length:   56  Offset: 3128 (0x0c38)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 580  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  82 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2848 (0x0b20)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 606  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  83 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2736 (0x0ab0)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 608  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  84 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2792 (0x0ae8)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 601  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  85 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2120 (0x0848)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 640  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  86 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2176 (0x0880)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 635  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  87 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2232 (0x08b8)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 636  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  88 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2288 (0x08f0)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 635  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  89 -- Length:   56  Offset: 2400 (0x0960)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 629  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  90 -- Length:   56  Offset: 5704 (0x1648)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 166  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  91 -- Length:   56  Offset: 5648 (0x1610)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 339  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  92 -- Length:   56  Offset: 5592 (0x15d8)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 372  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  93 -- Length:   56  Offset: 4416 (0x1140)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 480  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

 Item  94 -- Length:   56  Offset: 5536 (0x15a0)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 208  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

... snip ...

<Special Section> -----
 BTree Index Section:
  Flags: 0x0000 ()
  Blocks: Previous (167)  Next (455)  Level (1)

*** End of Requested Range Encountered. Last Block Read: 271 ***

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility - Version 8.1.1
* File: 180571
* Options used: -i -R 635 
* Dump created on: Tue Apr 11 18:22:43 2006

Block  635 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x004f6000         Offsets: Lower      24 (0x0018)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    3            Upper    8120 (0x1fb8)
 LSN:  logid    239 recoff 0xcabae788      Special  8176 (0x1ff0)
 Items:    1                   Free Space: 8096
 Length (including item array): 28

<Data> ------ 
 Item   1 -- Length:   56  Offset: 8120 (0x1fb8)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 452  linp Index: 1  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

<Special Section> -----
 BTree Index Section:
  Flags: 0x0001 (LEAF)
  Blocks: Previous (636)  Next (629)  Level (0)

*** End of Requested Range Encountered. Last Block Read: 635 ***

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility - Version 8.1.1
* File: 180571
* Options used: -i -R 636 
* Dump created on: Tue Apr 11 18:22:50 2006

Block  636 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x004f8000         Offsets: Lower      24 (0x0018)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    3            Upper    8120 (0x1fb8)
 LSN:  logid    245 recoff 0x9bfa3b60      Special  8176 (0x1ff0)
 Items:    1                   Free Space: 8096
 Length (including item array): 28

<Data> ------ 
 Item   1 -- Length:   56  Offset: 8120 (0x1fb8)  Flags: USED
  Block Id: 454  linp Index: 27  Size: 56
  Has Nulls: 0  Has Varwidths: 16384

<Special Section> -----
 BTree Index Section:
  Flags: 0x0001 (LEAF)
  Blocks: Previous (640)  Next (635)  Level (0)

*** End of Requested Range Encountered. Last Block Read: 636 ***

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility - Version 8.1.1
* File: 180571
* Options used: -i -R 629 
* Dump created on: Tue Apr 11 18:23:01 2006

Block  629 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x004ea000         Offsets: Lower     244 (0x00f4)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    3            Upper    5040 (0x13b0)
 LSN:  logid    239 recoff 0xcabae788      Special  8176 (0x1ff0)
 Items:   56                   Free Space: 4796
 Length (including item array): 248

<Data> ------ 
... snip ...

<Special Section> -----
 BTree Index Section:
  Flags: 0x0001 (LEAF)
  Blocks: Previous (635)  Next (166)  Level (0)

*** End of Requested Range Encountered. Last Block Read: 629 ***

>>> Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/12/06 1:06 am >>>
OK, so the part of the pg_filedump info we need to see is items 86/87
in block 271, plus a few around them for good measure.

Are the values of the keys in this index sensitive data, or are they
just serial numbers of some kind?  If we could see pg_dump -i -f
than just -i, it might help.  I'd like to see the dumps of pages 635,
636, 629 as well (mostly their "special space" contents).

                        regards, tom lane

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