> Hey,
> I am trying to install the Postgreql 8.1.3 on the windows 2k 
> platform. While installing I am getting the following error :
> "Your local 'Power Users' group contains 'Authenticated 
> Users' ".  This Error has been previously discussed in the 
> mailing list. ( 
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2004-09/msg00218.php
>  <http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2004-09/msg00218.php>  ) 
> I could not find how to remove the "NT 
> AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" from the "Power Users" local group. 
> Please help me with this error.

Just use whatever tool you'd normally use to edit your users, for
example the Local Users and Groups mmc snapin.


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