On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 11:16:50AM +0200, Emilia Venturato wrote:
> > Did the segmentation fault leave a core dump in your $PGDATA directory
> > or somewhere beneath it?  If not then you might need to adjust your
> > coredumpsize resource limit.
> I understand it was psql to crash, not postgresql. Postgres doesn't stop. 
> Maybe this could explain why create table go well and only select doesn't go.

Did psql create a core dump?  If not then check your coredumpsize
resource limit.  For example, if you're using bash, then what's the
output of "ulimit -c"?  If it's 0 then run "ulimit -c unlimited".
With a core dump you can use a debugger to get a stack trace that
should show where the problem is.

> Making test I found also that query plan changes if I select geometric field 
> or not. Particulary It seems have problem with merge condition:

The query plan shouldn't affect psql's behavior but selecting
different columns might.  Notice that the estimated column width
is much higher when you select the geometry column than when you

> Merge Join  (cost=1184.56..1415.71 rows=9222 width=78224) (actual 
> time=259.035..355.384 rows=18444 loops=1)

> Hash Join  (cost=52.67..483.28 rows=9222 width=113) (actual 
> time=3.113..28.000 
> rows=18444 loops=1)

> I prepared a file.zip with problem summary and data. It's 16 Mb. It's 
> downloadable from http://www.faunalia.it/download/bug2481.tar.gz

A HEAD request against that file shows it to be 116M (121747346),
not 16M, and it appears to be on a slow link (curl estimates over
an hour to download).  Can you create a smaller test case?

Michael Fuhr

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