
we are using postgresql 8.1.4 and found that partial indexes are not being used when the query is run using parameters, eg. in a function. When running the same query with arguments passed in the query string partial indexes are being used.

here is the index:

CREATE INDEX c_6012_index ON consumption (voi) WHERE code = 6012 AND val1 IS NULL;

here is the query using parameters inside the query string which uses an index scan in turn:

explain analyze UPDATE c SET val1=1784 WHERE code=6012 AND voi='1923328-8-0-0' AND val1 IS NULL;
                                                          QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using c_6012_index on c  (cost=0.00..4.71 rows=1 width=164) (actual time=0.196..0.196 rows=0 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (voi = '1923328-8-0-0'::text)
   Filter: ((code = 6012) AND (val1 IS NULL))
 Total runtime: 0.304 ms
(4 rows)

Now put it in a function with parameter passing we get a seq scan:

CREATE FUNCTION setsize(integer, integer, text)
  RETURNS integer AS
        v_size    alias for $1;
        v_code    alias for $2;
        v_voi     alias for $3;
        r       record;
        FOR r IN
        EXPLAIN UPDATE c SET val1=v_size WHERE code=v_code AND voi=v_voi AND val1 IS NULL  LOOP
        RAISE NOTICE '%', r;
        END LOOP;
        RETURN 0;

# select setsize(1784, 6012, '1923328-8-0-0');
NOTICE:  ("Seq Scan on c  (cost=0.00..344372.82 rows=1 width=164)")
NOTICE:  ("  Filter: ((code = $2) AND (voi = $3) AND (val1 IS NULL))")
(1 row)

Bummer, a sequential scan is being run.

Any clues? Has this behaviour changed for a while?



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