Move to Linux. :-)  In our case, everything but the database servers
were already Linux so it was an easy choice.  Things have been rock
solid since then.

Once things get stuck, I don't think there is an alternative besides
"stop -m immediate".  However, since the problem is caused by an idle
backend holding onto an old WAL segment, maybe having your middle
tier/connection pool close and reopen the connections to the database
every so often would function as a workaround.  Somebody with more
knowledge of PG internals than I would have to define "every so often"
though (if the idea is viable at all).


>>> "Thomas H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 23.10.2006 20:00 >>>
is there any workaround? how did you get around that problem of having
total lockdown?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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