"Michel Dorochevsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We are encountering the following problem:
> 2007-04-19 16:22:19 PANIC:  failed to re-find shared lock object
> 2007-04-19 16:22:19 STATEMENT:  COMMIT PREPARED

Wow, that's interesting.

> My question is: how could we proceed to get help?
> Does any one know of a clever way to record the JDBC statements (including
> the bind parameters) in order have a strpped down test routine?

In 8.2 the regular query logging facility (log_statement = ALL) should
be enough.  I don't know of any real simple way to feed the log output
back into the system for testing, though.

Another thing that would be interesting is to keep an eye on the
pg_locks view.  There's no way to tell from this message whether the
COMMIT is somehow failing to find a lock entry that does exist in the
table, or whether someone else managed to remove the lock entry between
PREPARE and COMMIT; but perhaps you could find out from watching the
pg_locks entries for prepared transactions.

                        regards, tom lane

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