Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> So actually, ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK breaks *any* use of SET LOCAL, not just
>> ROLE.  Not sure that this is fixable :-(

> That's not the behavior which is intended though, is it?  SET LOCAL
> should be for an entire transaction, not for subtransactions/savepoints.

No, it's supposed to be per subtransaction.  Or at least that's the
interpretation we put on it when we made subtransactions; I fear it's
too late to change that now, even if there were a good argument to.

> Additionally, as I mentioned before, we should really make it clear that
> 'reset all' doesn't apply to roles.  The reason I bring it up is that,
> in at least the PG PHP driver, when using persistant connections it's
> expected that a 'reset all' handles cleaning things up entirely between
> page loads, and that's not the case for roles.

That assumption is broken anyway.  As of 8.3 there's a DISCARD ALL
command that actually does a full cleanup of connection-local state.

                        regards, tom lane

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