On Jan 28, 2008 9:33 AM, David JL Gradwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Thanks for the help.  I have now got pljava working fine on 8.3RC2 and have
> re-run all my tests against RC2.  On a database with a data structure of
> 100+ tables and about 15 views with extensive (20+ per view) unions the
> performance is far better than 8.1 and better than 8.2.6, even on a small
> test machine.

Good news :-)

> Coming back to pljava, I've still had problems with the error messages
> (which seem to be the wrong way round!)and am happy to see if I can improve
> them for the benefit of others.  Specifically:
> a)      "ERROR: Failed to create Java VM (SQL State is 'XX000')" when
> calling sqlj.install_jar actually means that pljava.classpath in
> postgresql.conf is either not set or not set correctly and hence pljava.jar
> can not be found.  pljava.classpath could be defaulted to "C:\Program
> Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\share\pljava" in the installation.

I'll leave that one for Kris or one of the other Java guys. I've
written maybe a dozen lines of Java code in my entire life!

> b)      'ERROR: could not load library "C:/pljava/pljava.dll": The specified
> module could not be found.' on
>        CREATE FUNCTION sqlj.java_call_handler()
>  RETURNS language_handler AS 'pljava'
> Means (as you said) that the jvm.dll can not be loaded and that the DOS PATH
> doesn't include "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02\jre\bin\client" or
> similar.

Thats a generic messages raised by PostgreSQL when it fails to load a
library - unfortunately I don't think there's not much that can be
done to improve things there, at least without some horribly platform
specific hacks.

Regards, Dave.

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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