On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 12:19 AM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Now personally, I am much more interested in *reproducing* the problem
>  than merely dodging it.  I can understand if you just need a workaround
>  yesterday, but please see if you can get a reproducible test case ...
>                         regards, tom lane

Yesterday would be nice ;). Ill keep trying to get a test case.  In
the mean time here is a new backtrace I just got (lord knows how... it
seems to be as soon as I stop trying to make it crash and look away,
thats when it does).  This is 2 commits ( the one i reference in my
later email) after 8.3 was stamped.  Happens to be the same query as

Core was generated by `postgres: docsysweb CaduRx BIND   '.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#1  0x000000000045a55e in heapgettup (scan=0xbd8bd0, dir=<value
optimized out>, nkeys=0, key=0x0) at heapam.c:431
#2  0x000000000045a96d in heap_getnext (scan=0xbd8bd0,
direction=14717080) at heapam.c:1259
#3  0x0000000000525478 in SeqNext (node=<value optimized out>) at
#4  0x000000000051a74f in ExecScan (node=0xbd7ed0, accessMtd=0x5253c0
<SeqNext>) at execScan.c:103
#5  0x0000000000514380 in ExecProcNode (node=0xbd7ed0) at execProcnode.c:334
#6  0x00000000005135ba in ExecutorRun (queryDesc=<value optimized
out>, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=1) at execMain.c:1233
#7  0x000000000051c82d in postquel_getnext (es=0xe09038,
fcache=0xd0e4c0) at functions.c:378
#8  0x000000000051ce6d in fmgr_sql (fcinfo=0x7fffe6d7af90) at functions.c:479
#9  0x00000000005163bd in ExecMakeFunctionResult (fcache=0xd0df50,
econtext=0xd0e3e0, isNull=0x7fffe6d7b3df "", isDone=0x0) at
#10 0x00000000005190ba in ExecEvalExprSwitchContext
(expression=0x2ae1c608c658, econtext=0xe09098, isNull=0x32d <Address
0x32d out of bounds>, isDone=0x0) at execQual.c:3726
#11 0x0000000000568d4d in evaluate_expr (expr=<value optimized out>,
result_type=23, result_typmod=-1) at clauses.c:3273
#12 0x00000000005699b1 in simplify_function (funcid=2214548,
result_type=23, result_typmod=-1, args=0xcfbfa0, allow_inline=1
'\001', context=0x7fffe6d7b530) at clauses.c:2887
#13 0x000000000056a1ca in eval_const_expressions_mutator
(node=0xc34170, context=0x7fffe6d7b530) at clauses.c:1795
#14 0x000000000056ae15 in estimate_expression_value (root=<value
optimized out>, node=0x2ae1c608c658) at clauses.c:1719
#15 0x00000000005f8906 in get_restriction_variable (root=0xc32160,
args=<value optimized out>, varRelid=0, vardata=0x7fffe6d7b640,
    varonleft=0x7fffe6d7b68f "\001\236") at selfuncs.c:3570
#16 0x00000000005fa2e2 in eqsel (fcinfo=<value optimized out>) at selfuncs.c:169
#17 0x0000000000644f4c in OidFunctionCall4 (functionId=<value
optimized out>, arg1=12788064, arg2=532, arg3=12796016, arg4=0) at
#18 0x000000000056cd52 in restriction_selectivity (root=0xc32160,
operator=532, args=0xc34070, varRelid=0) at plancat.c:805
#19 0x000000000054e447 in clause_selectivity (root=0xc32160,
clause=0xc341c0, varRelid=0, jointype=JOIN_INNER) at clausesel.c:639
#20 0x000000000054dd8f in clauselist_selectivity (root=0xc32160,
clauses=<value optimized out>, varRelid=0, jointype=JOIN_INNER) at
#21 0x000000000054e0f8 in clause_selectivity (root=0xc32160,
clause=0xcf9f80, varRelid=0, jointype=JOIN_INNER) at clausesel.c:576
#22 0x000000000054e3da in clause_selectivity (root=0xc32160,
clause=<value optimized out>, varRelid=0, jointype=JOIN_INNER) at
#23 0x000000000054dd8f in clauselist_selectivity (root=0xc32160,
clauses=<value optimized out>, varRelid=0, jointype=JOIN_INNER) at
#24 0x000000000054f64f in set_baserel_size_estimates
(root=0x2ae1c608c658, rel=0xc35b28) at costsize.c:2262
#25 0x000000000054d32c in set_rel_pathlist (root=0xc32160,
rel=0xc35b28, rti=2, rte=0xc1d110) at allpaths.c:215
#26 0x000000000054dbb2 in make_one_rel (root=0xc32160,
joinlist=0xc35a48) at allpaths.c:150
#27 0x000000000055f3a0 in query_planner (root=0xc32160, tlist=<value
optimized out>, tuple_fraction=0, limit_tuples=-1,
cheapest_path=0x7fffe6d7c050, sorted_path=0x7fffe6d7c048,
    num_groups=0x7fffe6d7c058) at planmain.c:249
#28 0x000000000055fcd1 in grouping_planner (root=0xc32160,
tuple_fraction=<value optimized out>) at planner.c:897
#29 0x0000000000560d48 in subquery_planner (glob=0xe19b20,
parse=0xe19bb0, level=0, tuple_fraction=0, subroot=0x7fffe6d7c218) at
#30 0x0000000000561141 in standard_planner (parse=0xe19bb0,
cursorOptions=0, boundParams=0x0) at planner.c:158
#31 0x00000000005a1971 in pg_plan_query (querytree=0xe19bb0,
cursorOptions=0, boundParams=0x0) at postgres.c:681
#32 0x00000000005a1a23 in pg_plan_queries (querytrees=<value optimized
out>, cursorOptions=0, boundParams=0x0, needSnapshot=0 '\0') at
#33 0x0000000000633cf3 in do_planning (querytrees=0xc32130,
cursorOptions=0) at plancache.c:560
#34 0x00000000006340cb in RevalidateCachedPlan (plansource=0xb58460,
useResOwner=0 '\0') at plancache.c:484
#35 0x00000000005a3815 in PostgresMain (argc=4, argv=<value optimized
out>, username=0x8f32f0 "docsysweb") at postgres.c:1605
#36 0x0000000000579a1f in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:3207
#37 0x000000000057a4ec in PostmasterMain (argc=3, argv=0x8ee2d0) at
#38 0x000000000053441e in main (argc=3, argv=<value optimized out>) at

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