From: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Thomas H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
nevertheless the problem/bug exists: changing LC_MESSAGES has no effect on the windows boxes, while it works on the non-win32 systems. all i really would like is to get english system messages back on our non-english win32 servers - like they were pre 8.3.1.

So far as I can tell, the backend's handling of LC_MESSAGES hasn't
changed at all between 8.1.2 and 8.3.1, so if it used to work for you
then there's been some other relevant change.  Any idea what?

well... i'm not saying it worked in earlier versions. but prior to 8.3.1 (i've tested 8.3.0 and 8.2.3), the error messages were in english no matter what the config file or the os locale says.

now, with 8.3.1, error & system messages are always in the os' locale, and thus the bugreport. there is currently no way to set the pg system messages' language, as the LC_MESSAGES setting seems to be defunct on win32 systems.

as a small "proof", i installed the win32 8.3.0 from as a fresh install and changed the postgresl.conf' lc_messages value to 'English_UnitedStates'. here's the psql output:

postgres=# show lc_messages;
(1 row)

postgres=# select x;
ERROR:  column "x" does not exist
LINE 1: select x;
postgres=# set lc_messages='French';
postgres=# select x;
ERROR:  column "x" does not exist
LINE 1: select x;

--> all system messages are in english.

after *upgrading* to 8.3.1 (again, using the official binaries), the output looks like this:

postgres=# show lc_messages;
(1 Zeile)

postgres=# select x;
FEHLER:  Spalte »x« existiert nicht
ZEILE 1: select x;
postgres=# set lc_messages='French';
postgres=# select x;
FEHLER:  Spalte »x« existiert nicht
ZEILE 1: select x;
postgres=# show lc_messages;
(1 Zeile)



--> all system messages are in german (the os' locale)

so clearly between 8.3.0 and 8.3.1, something must have changed. but the only patch that concerned win32 msvc/locale is the one you said wasn't even included...

what i noticed: if i delete the folder share/locale/de/ the system messages are back to english - but that can't be THE solution, can it? :)


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