On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 01:25:15PM +0000, arli weng wrote:
> PostgreSQL version: 8.3

What does "SELECT version()" return?  I'm wondering if the server
isn't 8.3 but rather an earlier version (see below).

> the command (chinese by utf-8):
> INSERT INTO "title" VALUES(46307243,46307898,'酋鼠𪕨');
> in sqlite text type, no problem..
> in postgres report error:
> invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE": 0xf0

Your INSERT statement works for me in 8.3.3, 8.2.9, and 8.1.13.
According to the release notes version 8.1 changed UNICODE to UTF8
and added support for 4-byte characters, so the fact that the error
says "UNICODE" and your database doesn't appear to support 4-byte
characters makes me wonder if you're running 8.0 or earlier.

Michael Fuhr

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