
Sorry,very late reaction...

Thanks!, It's a good information.:-)
and,CC to Ralf-san.

Hiroshi Saito

>Hi Hiroshi-san,
>we have run our test in the next environments:
>-Windows XP + PostgreSql 8.3.5
>-Ubunto + PostgreSql 8.3.3
>In both cases the test was successful, so we have closed the topic.
>Thanks a lot for your support, PostgreSql is an incredible database.
>Kind regards,
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: Hiroshi Saito [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Enviado el: mi駻coles, 12 de noviembre de 2008 17:15
>Para: pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org
>CC: Ismael Ciordia, Openbravo
>Asunto: Re: [BUGS] BUG #4167: When generating UUID using UUID-OSSP
>module, UUIDs are not unique on Windows
>Ooops, It will be helpful to a user.
>Therefore,  it transmits here.:-)
>--  copy --
>Hi Hiroshi-san,
>if you want you can include the function we have used to test the problem,
>pasted below.
>CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_uuidgen(countmax INTEGER) RETURNS character
>varying AS
>  countmin INTEGER := 1;
>  distinctuuid bigint;
>  v_message VARCHAR(2000) := '';
>    drop table if exists uuid_gen;
>    CREATE TABLE uuid_gen
>    (
>      uuid_gen_col uuid NOT NULL
>    );
>    LOOP
>        INSERT INTO uuid_gen (uuid_gen_col) VALUES (uuid_generate_v1());
>        countmin := countmin + 1;
>        EXIT WHEN countmin > countmax;
>    END LOOP;
>    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uuid_gen_col) INTO distinctuuid FROM uuid_gen;
>    IF distinctuuid <> countmax THEN
>        v_message := 'Repeated UUID: FAILS';
>    ELSE
>        v_message := 'NO repeated UUID: OK';
>    END IF;
>    RETURN v_message;
>$BODY$  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

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