Version: 8.3.5
Install: self-compile on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux
        also reproduced by AndrewSN on another platform
Summary: self-referential FKs are not enforced properly in the
        presence of BEFORE triggers
Test Case:

-- create two tables, one of which is the master table (reftable) the other of which is a child which contains a tree structure (treetab):

create table reftable(
        refid int primary key,
        refname text

create table treetab (
        id int primary key,
        parent int,
        refid int not null references reftable(refid) on delete cascade,
        name text

-- now create a trigger function to maintain the integrity of the trees in treetab by "pulling up"
-- each node to its parent if intermediate nodes get deleted
-- this trigger is inherently flawed and won't work with the FK below

create function treemaint () returns trigger as $t$
        update treetab set parent = OLD.parent
        where parent =;
        return OLD;
end; $t$ language plpgsql;

create trigger treemaint_trg before delete on treetab
for each row execute procedure treemaint();

-- populate reftable

insert into reftable
select i, ( 'Ref' || i::TEXT ) from generate_series(1,100) as g(i);

-- populate treetab with 10 rows each pointing to reftable

insert into treetab (id, refid)
select i, (( i / 10::INT ) + 1 )
from generate_series (1,900) as g(i);

-- create trees in treetab. for this simple example each treeset is just a chain with each child node
-- pointing to one higher node

update treetab set parent = ( id - 1 )
where id >  (
        select min(id) from treetab tt2
        where tt2.refid = treetab.refid);

update treetab set "name" = ('tree' || parent::TEXT || '-' || id::TEXT);

-- now create a self-referential FK to enforce tree integrity. This logically breaks the trigger

alter table treetab add constraint selfref foreign key (parent) references treetab (id);

-- show tree for id 45

select * from treetab where refid = 45;

 id  | parent | refid |    name
 440 |        |    45 |
 441 |    440 |    45 | tree440-441
 442 |    441 |    45 | tree441-442
 443 |    442 |    45 | tree442-443
 444 |    443 |    45 | tree443-444
 445 |    444 |    45 | tree444-445
 446 |    445 |    45 | tree445-446
 447 |    446 |    45 | tree446-447
 448 |    447 |    45 | tree447-448
 449 |    448 |    45 | tree448-449

-- now, we're going to delete the tree. This delete should fail with an error because the
-- trigger will violate "selfref"

delete from reftable where refid = 45;

-- however, it doesn't fail. it reports success, and some but not all rows from treetab
-- are deleted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state.

select * from treetab where refid = 45;

 id  | parent | refid |    name
 441 |        |    45 | tree440-441
 443 |    441 |    45 | tree442-443
 445 |    443 |    45 | tree444-445
 447 |    445 |    45 | tree446-447
 449 |    447 |    45 | tree448-449

-- this means we now have rows in the table which
-- violate the FK to reftable.

postgres=# select * from reftable where refid = 45;
 refid | refname
(0 rows)

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