On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Alvaro
Herrera<alvhe...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> Personally I still think debbugs would suit us perfectly, but 1. I don't
> have time to handle it, 2. nobody else believes this, 3. the debbugs
> developers are not very interested in helping us use it.

I've been shouting about debbugs forever too.

It's completely email based so we could just treat it as a mailing
list without having to go visit a web interface to stay up to date. We
could add CVS/whatever hooks so whenever a commit message says it
closes a bug it gets closed automatically.  Effectively it would
require no operational changes for developers who would just
participate on a mailing list and commit changes like usual.

It also has a web interface so you can go see the history to see the
pending bugs to work on and their history of course. But that's not
how we're accustomed to working and I fear anything like bugzilla
would require dedicated bug-wranglers like Bruce to keep the
connection between the email discussion and the bug tracker going
because the developers would ignore the web site and the bug reporters
would be unaware of any mailing list discussion.


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