On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Lampa<lamp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference:      5010
> Logged by:          Lampa
> Email address:      lamp...@gmail.com
> PostgreSQL version: 8.4.0
> Operating system:   Debian testing/unstable
> Description:        perl iconv function returns ? character
> Details:
> See the difference (example is the best explanation):
> psql -U postgres -p 5433
> psql (8.4.0, server 8.3.7)
> WARNING: psql version 8.4, server version 8.3.
>         Some psql features might not work.
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=# select my_ascii2('Bockaničová');
>  my_ascii2
> -------------
>  Bockanicova
> (1 row)
> psql -U postgres -p 5432
> psql (8.4.0)
> Type "help" for help.
> postgres=# select my_ascii2('Bockaničová');
>  my_ascii2
> -------------
>  Bockani?ov?
> (1 row)
> function my_ascii2 is defined:
> CREATE FUNCTION my_ascii2(text) RETURNS text AS $$ use strict; use
> Text::Iconv; my $conv = Text::Iconv->new("UTF8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT"); return
> $conv->convert($_[0]); $$ LANGUAGE plperlu;
> 8.3.x version works perfectly, 8.4.0 problem

I can't reproduce this on 8.4.0 or CVS HEAD.  I think that whatever
problem you have here is not a PostgreSQL bug.

> in more complicated queries (joins, conditions) after my_ascii2 function
> query are returned incorect count of rows

This may be related to whatever your other problem is.


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