postgres bee <> writes:
> But I do have one overriding question - since postgres is still running on 
> the same hardware, wouldn't it rule out hardware as the primary suspect?

Uh, no.  One of the principal characteristics of hardware problems is
that they're intermittent.  (When they're not, you have a totally dead

There may in fact be a software bug here, but you've not only provided
no evidence for that, you've gone out of your way to destroy whatever
evidence might have existed.  We are not going to sit around wringing
our hands over the remote possibility of a bug, when there is nothing
we can do to investigate.

If you see it happen again, make a full filesystem-level copy of the
data directory (after shutting down the postmaster and before trying
to recover), and then maybe there's a chance to find something out.

                        regards, tom lane

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