On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:13:24AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Another point that comes to mind is shared_preload_libraries: if plperl
> is loaded once in the postmaster, it seems entirely likely that the same
> END block would be executed in multiple backends after having been
> loaded only once.  Again, while that might be okay for his particular
> use-case, it seems horribly dangerous for anything else.

I agree with Robert that that would be expected behaviour for perl
users - but it would only apply for cases where END blocks had been
compiled by the postmaster.

> (The shared_preload_libraries case also destroys the most obvious
> implementation path, ie having plperl add an on_proc_exit callback
> at _PG_init time...)

Could you explain the problem? (I don't see it, but I'm not familar with
postgres internals.)


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