"Walter Mesz" <meszwal...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> my problem is that this select into does not throw a NO_DATA_FOUND
> if my select involves a max(). I did not see this behaviour
> documented anywhere and could not find it in a reasonable time at
> google.
>  SELECT max(tanum)
>            INTO STRICT x
>            FROM lo_prod_req
>           WHERE tanum = '1234567';
The documentation says:
$ If the STRICT option is specified, the query must return exactly one
$ row or a run-time error will be reported
In this case the query will always return one row.  The row may have a
NULL if no matching values were found, but the row will be there.
select max(x) from (select generate_series(1,10) as x) y where x > 10;

(1 row)
Not a bug.

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