takiguchi <tak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a problem of connection pooling, not of transaction.
> public void testConnection() {
>    Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(); // get a connection
> from pool (If DB server restarted, invalid connection will be
> returned)
>    boolean valid = true;
>    try {
>        // execute some DMLs...
>        con.commit();
>    } catch (SQLException e) {
>        try {
>            con.rollback();
>        } catch (SQLException e) {
>            valid = false; // UNREACHABLE
>        }
>    } finally {
>        if (valid) {
>            con.close(); // Connection#close() doesn't close
> connection in reality in connection pooling mechanism. It simply
> returns the connection to pool.
>        }
>    }
> }
> Because rollback() throws no exception when physical connection has
> been closed, I cannot know whether rollback was successfully
> completed.
> In general, if rollback() throws NO exception, it must be a success.
> (Success means rollback process is executed, and ended successfully.
> This represents that connection could access to server.)
> I think if physical connection has closed, Connection's method
> should fail and throws Exception.
That's sort of an odd construct, but I see your point.  Checking the
javadocs, I see that they very explicitly support your position.
| SQLException - if a database access error occurs, this method is
| called while participating in a distributed transaction, this method
| is called on a closed connection or this Connection object is in
| auto-commit mode
This is indeed a bug.  No doubt about it.
Since it is a JDBC driver bug, it might be best to post to that list,
with a reference back to this thread.  Do you want to put together a
JDBC driver patch, or should I?

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