On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:
>  -1 appears to be ignored when '-f -' is set.

I've been bitten by this, too.  It appears that "-f -" is in general
equivalent to not specifying "-f" at all.  In startup.c we have a test

options.action == ACT_FILE && strcmp(options.action_string, "-") != 0

I suppose we could change it to:

options.action == ACT_FILE && (strcmp(options.action_string, "-") != 0
|| pset.notty)

But I sort of think it should just be:

options.action == ACT_FILE

ISTM that if you run psql with "-f -", you shouldn't expect to get an
interactive shell.  Rather, you should expect psql to do whatever it
normally does when given -f somefilename, except using stdin rather
than the file.  After all, you could have left out -f altogether if
you'd wanted the interactive behavior.  But then IJWH.


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