"Jodi Escalante" <jescala...@assistgroup.com> wrote:
> INSERT INTO assessment (id, created, taken, current_weight, note,
> assessment_type, stay_id, contact_id, estimated_discharge_date, 
> cond_chf, cond_pulm_heart, cond_endocrine_other, cond_skin_temp,
> ) VALUES ( 50,  2008-01-11 15:06:40.257000 -07:00:00,  
> 2008-01-11 00:00:00.000000 -07:00:00,  2000.0,  NULL,  Initial, 
> 3452, 2147,  NULL,  N,  N,  N,  N) 
Without quotes you've got the calculation (2008 minus 1 minus 11)
which equals the integer 1996.  It doesn't know what to make of the
number which comes next.  Try something like TIMESTAMP WITH TIME
ZONE '2008-01-11 15:06:40.257000 -0700'.  Similar issues seem to
exist with most of your other literals.

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