Abhishek Maurya <abhi.cse....@gmail.com> wrote:
> while connecting php with database created in postgres,we r facing
> one error ..errror is that its demanding a password of
> postgres..but while installing or using postgres we hadnt gave any
> password.. so hw cn we solve this problem..
You haven't really given enough information to allow me to advise
you with much confidence.  In general, you might want to check the
documentation of the pg_hba.conf file.  If this doesn't do it for
you, please read the "Guide to reporting problems" page:
If you repost, you should choose a more appropriate list, like
pgsql-admin or pgsql-general.
Oh, and messages are easier to read and understand if some attempt
is made at conventional spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. 
I understand that many posters don't speak English as their first
language, but please do what you can.

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