On 5/06/2010 9:39 PM, Farid Zidan wrote:

I am not asking you to re-write my sql so the bug will not show. I am
presenting you with sql that fails and shows the bug.

Before writing this off completely, please read on. I suspect I may've misunderstood your argument, and on further examination think there's something that bears design consideration here. It's not a bug, as it's working exactly as designed, but it _is_ something where the design might benefit from a tweak.

In the mean time, you have a system that doesn't work how you want it do - design choice or bug, workaround or bug-hiding, the effect is the same. You must already be handing differing names of timestamp/datetime types in your DDL, so why not use the same mapping in your DML?

As for the root of the issue: Here's why implicitly casting those literals to timestamps would be a bad idea for solid, technical reasons:

- The semantics of a nested/sub query should not be affected by the calling context, ie the surrounding query. To have a function affected by what the caller is doing would be bizarre and confusing; so it is with a subquery. You cannot test functional units or rely on any kind of consistent behaviour if calling context changes callee behaviour.

- A SELECT as a value-supplier to an INSERT is a type of subquery

- If your SELECT ran differently in the context of the INSERT to how it ran standalone, that would not only be incredibly confusing but also clearly a bug.

... so we clearly can't use type information from the surrounding INSERT to determine the data type of the literals used in the SELECT. With no type information to the contrary they must be interpreted as text. So, after SELECT evaluation your query goes from:

insert into test_insert
(col1, col2)
select distinct
'2010-04-30 00:00:00';

to effectively:

insert into test_insert
(col1, col2)
values ('b'::text, '2010-04-30 00:00:00'::text);

Now, when executed with Pg both those queries result in:

ERROR: column "col2" is of type timestamp without time zone but expression is of type text

showing that your issue isn't actually with DISTINCT at all, but with Pg's unwillingness to *implicitly* cast a value of explict text type to another type.

This is the real core of your complaint. You want Pg to cast from 'text' to 'timestamp' on INSERT. Pg doesn't. In the general case (not specific to INSERT) there are some pretty good reasons for that, but for INSERTs... should it? In the context of an INSERT, where the desired data type is explicitly specified and obvious, I'm not sure, but I suspect that it should.

Anyone familiar with the details of the implicit-text-cast bugs want to pipe up with whether it'd be safe to force a cast in the context of an INSERT?

( As for why I adjusted your example: Your example query was unrealistically simplistic and clearly couldn't be what you were using in your app. Using 'DISTINCT' with one value is pointless. So, my example added some dummy values to illustrate why it might be unsafe to use it how you're trying to. As it turns out, in your app's case you can guarantee input formatting consistency, so it's safe for you so long as you stick very closely to timestamp formatting specifics, but I'm sure you can see that a database's behaviour depending on the formatting of timestamps is probably not something that most people with most apps would be happy with. Even if INSERT did convert the results of the SELECT DISTINCT subquery to timestamps, it'd still be pretty unsafe.)

Craig Ringer

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