On 9 June 2010 03:48, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> please test.

Well your patch definitely fixes my original bug, and AFAICT always
produces valid YAML output now. I've only found one case where a
particular parser has difficulty parsing the output, and you'd have to
write a pretty perverse query to hit that case.

So that just leaves this sort of thing:

explain (format yaml) select * from foo as "123";
 - Plan:                +
     Node Type: Seq Scan+
     Relation Name: foo +
     Alias: 123         +
     Startup Cost: 0.00 +
     Total Cost: 23.10  +
     Plan Rows: 1310    +
     Plan Width: 32
(1 row)

Does anyone care that Alias will sometimes be a string, and sometimes a number?

ITSM that, since postgresql knows that it's a string, it ought to
output something that parsers can unambiguously treat as a string too.

But this is also a pretty obscure case that probably only someone
deliberately trying to be awkward would do (which is me, with my
tester hat on :-)).


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