On 09/06/10 18:09, Dave Page wrote:

> I'm unconvinced that the extra complexity involved in checking the
> existence of the service account to tweak the message is worthwhile. I
> don't think it buys us extra simplicity that would suddenly make
> people understand.

In the end, you know this much better than me, but thanks for listening
to me and giving considered comments.

Personally I still think the UI is confusing (double-entry of existing
password, mixing service account and db superuser into single password)
but alternatives may not be any less confusing. In fact, I tried to mock
up a few and found that they all required WAY too much knowledge of the
difference between the service and db accounts, etc, to be viable, or
boiled down to the current one with more babble.

Unless service account and db user account are separated (which only
makes sense if the service account password management can be made
transparent in some way, which it seems it can't really) then the
current way is pretty good once you really dig down and compare it to
the alternatives.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to go through it.

Craig Ringer

Tech-related writing: http://soapyfrogs.blogspot.com/

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