Am 10.06.2010 15:48, schrieb Robert Haas:

> Maybe so, but I don't give either method high marks for convenience.
> Suppose I have a server running 8.2 and I'm going to wipe it and
> install the latest version of $DISTRIBUTION which bundles 8.4.  What
> our current policy essentially means is that I have to get 8.4 running
> on the old server before I wipe it (presumably compiling by hand,
> since the old version of the distro doesn't ship it), or else manually
> frobnicate the dump after I wipe it, or else find another server
> someplace to install 8.4 on and run the dump there prior to the OS
> upgrade.  This really sucks.  It's a huge pain in the tail, especially
> for people who aren't used to compiling PG from source at the drop of
> a hat.


> I'm sure someone will tell me my system administration practices suck,
> but people do these kinds of things, in real life, all the time.


Schönen Gruß - Regards
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

Goebel Consult
Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

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