I'd like to report a potential bug (or just my misunderstanding), but
I couldn't find any mention in the TODO or on the mailing list.

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.0 beta 3 on Gentoo x64 (sorry, I don't have
beta 4 yet).  I attempted to use string_agg to get values into a
comma-separated list as follows.

test=# create table agg_test (
id serial,
thing integer,
stuff text);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "agg_test_id_seq"
for serial column "agg_test.id"

test=# insert into agg_test (thing, stuff) values (1,'meow'),(1,'bark');

test=# select thing, string_agg(stuff order by stuff, ',') from
agg_test group by thing;
 thing | string_agg
     1 | barkmeow
(1 row)

test=# select thing, string_agg(stuff order by thing, ',') from
agg_test group by thing;
 thing | string_agg
     1 | meowbark
(1 row)

As you can see, the output of string_agg isn't delimited.  But if I
remove order by, it works:

test=# select thing, string_agg(stuff, ',') from agg_test group by thing;
 thing | string_agg
     1 | meow,bark
(1 row)

The reason I expect this to work is because of what is stated in the

"This ordering is unspecified by default, but can be controlled by
writing an ORDER BY clause within the aggregate call, as shown in
Section 4.2.7. "


Thom Brown
Registered Linux user: #516935

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