>LINO-ANTOINE PATY GISIBU <lino_p...@mongenie.com> wrote:
> Hi! I am a user of one of your product; The Postgresql database
> server in his version 8.3.
8.3.what?  Obtained how?
> No long time, after an electricity power interruption, I could not
> start my database server
Which means you probably either have hardware damage or are running
with configuration options which don't guarantee database integrity.
Does your postgresql.conf file have fsync = off or full_page_writes
= off?
> and then I quicky went to check the Windows Logs reports 
> about the Postgresql 8.3 service, I see that It was not started
What messages did you find?
> and I tried to start it manually without success.
What messages did you get?
> my final solution is to RESTORE the datas
Hopefully you saved the original database somewhere before
attempting to restore.  What form of backup were you using?
How did you attempt to restore?
> there are so important for my devil organisation I can not do
> anything else but taking the database out of this hell.
I have absolutely no idea what that means.
> Here I am with my SOS, How can i restore the database from the
> system which does not even start I mean the server can not start
> no way to restore datas, help me please.  Is there any way to
> restore the database even if the server can not start?
Nobody can begin to give recovery advice without knowing what you
have available to use in the recovery.  Do you have an image of the
database in the state it was in following the power failure?  Do
you have any backups?  If so, what kind?  (pg_dump, pg_dumpall,
PITR, file-system copy of the data directory while PostgreSQL was
stopped, etc.)  More detail is very valuable -- see this page for
ideas of what else to include:
By the way, this doesn't sound like a PostgreSQL bug; it would be
better to post such things on pgsql-admin or pgsql-general.

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