
you cannot to fetch data from function that returns a refcursor.

refcursor is varchar - name of some object (cursor). when you open
cursor, then you can specify a name (it's refcursor), but when you
fetch data, you must to use a direct sql identifier of cursor - not a

simply, you can't to write

fetch all from function(parameter);


Please explain to me then why my application works.

You are speaking to me entirely in abstract, where I have provided you with several concrete examples of functions that work when called from the java application. I also provided you evidence that using the terms in your
documentation do not work.  What am I doing wrong?

Again, I'm imploring you both: Use the data I provided to create a test table. Create the function I have created (test_proc and test_proc1) and run it or re-write it so that it works and please provide that back to me along with the
syntax I should use to make it work.

Please, prove your documentation applies to my data because as it stands from my perspective your documentation is fairly poor in explaining how to write and call functions, considering they are a fairly common tool for developers and DBAs. Why can I not Google for postgreSQL function examples? I submit it might be for this reason: perhaps people stay away from them because they have flaws, either in how they have been communicated or in how they are invoked....

I've worked extensively with SQL Server, IBM, Sybase and Oracle. I know how to
write and test stored procedures.

I'm telling you that something is different between 8.1 and 9.0 and all you are
offering are conceptual excerpts from your own documentation.

Please put it back to me using my data and you might get some insight into what could be tweaked with your documentation so that it can be more intuitive and
functions used more often....

Vince - is there any chance that you were using a non-standard PostgreSQL distribution or driver before? Like something from EnterpriseDB? It may be that a third-party JDBC driver was doing some behind-the-curtains work on your behalf.

                -- Korry

Korry Douglas
Senior Database Dude
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise Postgres Company

Phone: (804)241-4301
Mobile: (620) EDB-NERD

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