"Jemshir A.P" <jamsheer....@gmail.com> wrote:
> PostgreSQL version: pgsql8
> Operating system:   Windows Server 2003
> Description:        Cannot start pgsql8 application with
>                     Previleged account
> In the application log of the server i can find the following
> The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to
> prevent possible system security compromises.  See the
> documentation for more information on how to properly start the
> server.
> But we can strat the service successfully with a local or domain
> account which is have only user rights (Member of only users or
> only having user rights on the server).  Inshort the application
> services are starting only with under previleged account.
> Myrequirement is to start the application service with an account
> having admin rights.
First off, that's a terrible idea from a security perspective. 
Setting that aside, I believe that this was changed from an enforced
requirement to a strong recommendation somewhere around 8.2.  Since
a bump in number after the first decimal point is a new release in
PostgreSQL, telling us you have "pgsql8" means you could have any of
five different major releases (8.0 to 8.4).
Since you seem to be running on 8.0 or 8.1 on Windows, you are
probably heading into a lot more trouble if you don't find a more
recent version to use:
In any event, it should be clear to you from reading the messages
you included in your post that this is not a bug, so the pgsql-bugs
list is not the right place to post.  Please look over the
descriptions of the lists and try to pick the appropriate one for
future posts.

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