The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5855
Logged by:          Ondrej Pachner
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.0.1
Operating system:   Debian GNU Linux - stable
Description:        pgstat wait timeout

all counters on zero and warning about wait timeout..

postgres=> SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database;
WARNING:  pgstat wait timeout
   datid   |      datname      | numbackends | xact_commit | xact_rollback |
blks_read | blks_hit | tup_returned | tup_fetched | tup_inserted |
tup_updated | tup_deleted 
     11866 | template0         |           0 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |          
0 |           0
     11874 | postgres          |           1 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |          
0 |           0
 214340298 | eims_ejb_total_50 |           3 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |          
0 |           0
         1 | template1         |           0 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |          
0 |           0
(4 rows)


listen_addresses = '*'          
port = 5432                             
max_connections = 100                   
shared_buffers = 512MB                  
work_mem = 128MB                                
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB            
effective_cache_size = 12288MB
default_statistics_target = 10000       
log_destination = 'stderr'              
logging_collector = on          
log_directory = 'pg_log'                
log_truncate_on_rotation = on           
log_rotation_age = 1d                   
log_rotation_size = 0           
log_min_messages = warning              
log_min_duration_statement = 300        
log_connections = off
log_disconnections = off
log_duration = off
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] '                    
log_lock_waits = on                     
track_counts = on
log_planner_stats = on
autovacuum = on                 
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 300       
autovacuum_max_workers = 3              
autovacuum_naptime = 1min               
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 50        
autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 50       
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.2    
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1   
autovacuum_freeze_max_age = 200000000   
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 20ms     
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = -1       
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'
lc_messages = 'cs_CZ.utf8'                      
lc_monetary = 'cs_CZ.utf8'                      
lc_numeric = 'cs_CZ.utf8'                       
lc_time = 'cs_CZ.utf8'                          
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.simple'
custom_variable_classes = 'pljava'
dynamic_library_path ='$libdir:/usr/local/postgresql-9.0.1/lib/postgresql'

8CPUs, 16G of RAM, uname -a gives:
Linux tbdb-901 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Sep 16 16:32:15 UTC 2010 x86_64

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